Thursday 9 February 2012

Annalynne Mccord Thinspiration

I love her in 90210 and she has a Brilliant body.

Day 2 500 Calories (Changing Diets)

Today is the second day of my diet and after carefully looking at the abc diet I have made a decision that I will not continue with the diet but I will start the 5678 diet. I cannot have 50 calories, or even 200, 150 calories a day. It’s just too much or better yet too little.

Last night was bad, I still have the headache so that made everything harder to sleep but I did it and I am so proud that I managed to do these two days and that is why I am going to carry on doing this. 500 calories isn't so bad.

 I ate:

12:00 1 boiled egg - 76 cals

12:00 Broccoli - 33cals

14:30 foxy glacier mint - 21cals

16:30 Noodles -262 cals (Big mistake)

16:30 Ketchup- 18cals

20:00 Prawns - 84.8cals


Today was going really well until I had the noodles, I could have put them back but I already told someone that's what I was having then I looked at the calories but I made it today without going over, which I am really proud of.

I exercised today by dancing and then doing toning exercise on my gym ball. It felt very good.

I am so happy tomorrow I will be doing 800 calories..... I will have 800 cals Friday to Sunday and Monday to Thursday I will have 500 and I don't know how long I will do this for but I will do it until it either stops working or when I reach my goal. 

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Abc Diet Day 1 500 Calories

I have completed the first day and it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I am still going.

 I weighed myself this morning and I am 178Ib, 80.9kg and 12.10stones....BMI= 27.1 Overweight. My goal is 140Ib or 130Ib....I don't know yet.

I ate:

Broccoli 26.7cals
Biscuit 58cals
Vegetable soup 32cals
 yogurt 116.25cals
Celery stick 4.4cals
Kiwi 37.2cals
vegetarian burger 62cals
Cranberry juice 115cals
Olive oil 40cals
=491.55 calories yay, I did it.
I am sorry I didn't write the times I will do that on the following days, it's just hard getting used to counting calories and everything. I enjoyed all the other foods except the celery. I have tried celery before but I never liked it but I had the whole stick and I can see myself getting used to it.

Today when I woke up I went to Sainsbury’s for some shopping, I bought food, multivitamins and calcium vitamins for the bones plus a book to write down my food calories and weight measurements.

I have been drinking a lot of water today and I had green tea as well, green tea has never tasted so good.

I walked to Sainsbury which intakes walking down a hill, through a park and then to the place....Then I walked back up the hill, which was a lot with the shopping but I did and it was my exercise for today.

Some side effects have been my headache, which is mild but there....hopefully, it will go soon.

1 day down 49 days to go.

Tuesday 7 February 2012


Ohh, to wear a vest and shorts like this.

Ana Boot Camp ABC 50 Day Diet

This is what I am going to do or attempt to do, Tomorrow I am going to start the Abc diet, which is short for the ana boot camp diet. This is what the plan looks like, calories....Fasting for anyone that doesn't know means not eating solid foods, basically only having water that day, but it cud be a juice fast.

I am scared about doing this, I don't even know if I will last a day, let alone 50 days. People have lost 30 pounds doing this and it will be the start I really need. But I am scared, I am determined to do this but I know I will crave food like mad, my mood swings will change but I really want to do this.

This so far is the only person that I have seen who has actually finished the abc diet and has wrote about it. It was actually an interesting read. The person lost around 50pounds with this diet.

My Journey with my Overweight Body and Failures

Yupp, that's me in those pictures, I have never ever posted something like that online ever and I have never even taken pictures like that before. But I wanted to because I am tired of being fat and overweight. I don't want to be 50 and obese and still wishing I could lose weight. I am just tired of it.

I have tried healthy eating and exercising. It took me five months to lose 11 pounds and then I gave up and it all back plus some more. That was a year ago and it was the most successful diet I have ever done. I have tried so many things, so many diets and workouts even zumba, have fun dancing whilst losing weight it has never worked.

What I dislike about my body is that it restricts me, I have stretch marks and I have flab and fat were I personally wouldn't want to have. When I wear clothes I have to cover the top of my arms and I can never wear just shorts or a dress because of my massive calves and thighs. Plus I always have to think about my flabby stomach when I am buying or wearing a top. I would love to just wear a vest and shorts and leave the house without feeling self-conscience. I don't want to feel like that, I just want wear anything. I am size 16 pushing 18,gosh. Only my family know that. That was hardtop say.

But I don't blame anyone but me I eat probably 3000 + calories a day, I love crisps, chocolate ice creams, McDonalds and just junk food. Those are always the first things I run to when I give up. It's a bad habit what do I expect when I eat like a pig I start looking like one. I hardly, ever exercise. What more can I say.

And guys, I have had guys approach me but there’s always something wrong with them and the ones that I think are cute or hot. Their always never interested.....But even if I found someone and it worked out I don't think I could ever be truly comfortable with my body the way it is with someone.  I am 18 by the way.

This is me, everything, even things that I don't even tell my family or close friends.